Monday, October 5, 2009

"I'm Just An Ordinary Girl"

Shining stars, gleaming smiles, echoing laughter, 
But all this while, 
Been in a dream...I didn't know... 
I'm just an ordinary girl i didn't know... 

You laugh... 
I cry... 
But how would you see, 
When it's raining all the time? 
Escaping teardrops that contain, 
The agony, the anguish, the pain... 
The whole time i didn't know... 
I'm just an ordinary girl I should've known... 

The leaves turn gold, 
The heartache heals, 
The throbbing love, 
in a dark corner, itself seals... 

Why does he look at me that way? 
Does he not know? 
With nothing to give and nothing to share... 
My cries still drowning the summer air... 

Blooming roses and winter chills. 
Would be glad of the oblivion, 
Would be glad of the death, 
If only it took love out of my breath... 
Oh how i wish he knew, 
I'm just an ordinary girl I wish he knew... 

Sweet spring, sweet life... 
But what do i see? 
There you are on your knees, 
Beside the man who would always be. 
Oh Lord don't make me choose... 
Don't make me fight a battle I would always lose. 

Only give me the strength, the courage, the sanity... 
Make me walk till the sun rises, 
The horizon turns pink, 
And forgiven are my vices. 

Make me realize and accept... 
That I'm just an ordinary girl... 
Holding on, hanging on, 
And waiting with baited breath....... 

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